Don't forget the protein!
If you’re like most people, you probably thought protein was for post-workout and cuticles were only found on your nails. So, what’s the story behind all the protein talk related to color-treated hair?
Think of the strands of your hair like a pinecone. Before the pinecone blossoms, the layers fit together and lay smoothly. Once exposed to heat, the pinecone blossoms and opens, leaving large gaps in the cone’s surface. The strands of your hair have the same shingle-like texture that open up when impacted by color, heat, or other chemicals from the environment.
In order to receive color treatment, those cuticle shingles open themselves to absorb the treatment. After color treatment, it’s important to fill those cuticle openings with protein. Filling those openings with strong, nutrient-rich adhesive will create a strong, smooth surface instead of a brittle, porous texture.
There are several ways to ensure your color-treated strands receive the appropriate amount of protein such as in-salon protein treatments or products you can use at home. Ask your stylist about products that can replenish your hair with the protein it needs.